Content Management

Unlimited users with staff permissions, drag-and-drop content curation, and tour presets make content management easy.

Drag and drop.

Arranging (and re-arranging) content is easy-peasy with drag and drop content blocks. Organizing tour stops and tours is just as easy.

Take advantage of Live Previews to see what your changes will look like, on any screen size, while you edit.

A screenshot of the Tourient admin interface that lets users set custom colors.

Custom Colors For Each Tour

Set custom colors for each tour, aligning your self-guided audio tours with your physical or online exhibit branding.

Text to Speech Generation

No voice actors? No problem. Take advantage of our advanced AI speech generation technology for audio tours that are so good you’d think it’s a real person talking.

Architecture preset has built-in fields for date, architect, style, and address.

Tour Presets

Quickly build an architectural tour with built-in fields for neighborhoods, architects, and styles like Italianate and art deco just by selecting a preset.

Collaborate with Staff

Collaborative editing means multiple staff members can work on the same page, at the same time. Use drafts to build tours incrementally, or run changes by departments that need to sign off on them.

Let staff permissions control who has the power to edit and delete your content.

Tour scheduling.

Just like a social media post scheduling tool, Tourient lets you schedule tours in advance, so there's always fresh content to bring your visitors back and re-engage.

Control your branding.

You have a domain name and a social media handle that people recognize. Bring that to your tour platform with a custom subdomain (

Let your logo and brand colors shine through key app touch-points like buttons, menus, and icons.

Get started with 6 months free

Book a 30 minute consultation, and get your first 6 months free with an annual subscription.

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