Content Types

Tourient includes more content types than any other tour platform, so you can tell more expressive stories with layers of context.

Why limit yourself to just text and images?

Interactive block options in Tourient CMS
The editor view of what you're reading.

Rich Text Fields

We've got rich text fields with bold, italics, and underlined words for emphasis. Oh, and strikethroughs. Add superscripts7 and subscripts8, or inline links to nowhere at all. Sometimes you want to speak softly, so we've got small text, too.

  • Make your point clear with bulleted lists

  • Even if you forget what your point is

There's block quotes.

Like this one from Winnie the Pooh:

"Oh, bother."


Want to add contextual background information or define unfamiliar words? Tooltips are just a few clicks away.

A strapping young man with beard and suit poses for a portrait.

Images, in multiple flavors.

Add one image, and tap it to zoom in. Two's a crowd around here, so it'll turn into a gallery with tiny zoomable images. Or compare two images side-by-side with Image Comparison. Feeling fancy? Use Image Hotspots to highlight details visitors might otherwise miss.

Whatever you choose, there's room for ALT Text, captions, and credits.

Control audio from the browser or device media controls

Audio that plays in the background

Our audio player connects to the Media API, so your visitors' phones can play it from their pockets. Some platforms only work with wired headphones, but we don't discriminate.

And with a dedicated field for audio transcriptions, you can keep your text narrative and written transcript separate.

Example poll

Polls & Quizzes

Add a poll to ask your visitors a question, and immediately see the results.

Use multiple-choice quizzes to ask several questions with defined right-and-wrong answers.

Embed (almost) anything

If it can be shared, it can be embedded in your tours.

Showcase relevant videos from YouTube and Vimeo. Embed 3D models and AR objects from GLB files or Sketchfab. Add podcasts, playlists, or individual tracks from Spotify, Apple Music, and Tidal. Create new layers of context with GIS maps. And more.

Word guessing game

Games and Collection Objects

We worked with museum staff to develop types of content their tours needed that they couldn't find anywhere else. With Tourient, you also can:

  • Highlight objects from your collection with our exclusive Collection Object block.

  • Reinforce vocabulary with an interactive Word Guessing Game

Need something else? Let us know! We'll build it.

Try Tourient for yourself with a self-service interactive demo.